Health and Safety
It is our intent to demonstrate an ongoing and determined commitment to improving health and safety at work throughout our organisation. We will ensure the health and safety at work of all our colleagues and any other people who may be affected by our work activities.
To ensure we comply with health and safety requirements we will keep ourselves and our members informed of changes to legislation.
We will lead the manufacturing industry by not only promoting best practice but implementing best practice within ADRA Engineering where it is reasonably practicable to do so.
1. AWARENESS: All our colleagues and stakeholders have an awareness and understanding of health and safety hazards and risks that affect our business.
2. COMPETENCE: All our colleagues and stakeholders have the competence to undertake their work with minimum risks to health and safety.
3. COMPLIANCE: Our work activities achieve compliance with legislation, and our colleagues are empowered to take action to minimise health and safety risks.
4. CONTRACTORS, SUB-CONTRACTORS AND ASSOCIATES. We will engage and collaborate with our contractors and associates to ensure their:
• health and safety capability and competence fulfil our expectations;
• health and safety performance is monitored and reviewed; and
• work activities have minimal health and safety impacts on our activities.
5. WORKER INVOLVEMENT, COMMUNICATION AND CONSULTATION. We will constantly encourage, develop, review and share “health and safety good practice” both internally and externally. We will engage with affiliates and commercial partners to promote health and safety excellence. We will engage and influence our colleagues and stakeholders to drive improvements in health and safety.
6. WORK-RELATED HEALTH & WELLBEING. We will assess our health and wellbeing risks. All our colleagues will be informed of the health and wellbeing risks that affect them both when working from home, at our sites and at our member’s/client’s sites. Health surveillance will be conducted to satisfy health and safety legislation.
7. DELIVERING OUR POLICY Our policy will be delivered by generating a culture that does not tolerate threats to health and safety; and ensuring the real involvement of all our people, the contractors, associates and stakeholders.
8. POLICY REVIEW This policy has immediate effect and replaces all previous versions. This policy will be reviewed and amended, as necessary.